Sunday 28 August 2011

Haii pingworld
Maaf ya lama ga blog..
Bny halangan n ga sempat blog
Barru pulih dri sakit,,hehehe
Skrg cm bdn masi gatal" merah" n sedikit ga enakk..
Dlm bbrp lama ga blog,aq mw crita aq ud sangat bny bwt mslh lo sama sayanggku,,:(
So (•́_•̀) sadd tapi jujur dri dlm hati aq gmau ini tjd jg..
Aq gamau ad mslh rbut,,aq gmau sayangg gtw knp aq bgitu gmpg bwt syg emosi..
Aq jg gtw msti gmn,kalo aq skt parah bs bkin syg ga relaa skt aja..

Maaf bgt ya say,,
Aq trs mncoba yg trbaik..
Walaupun seperti omong kosong..krena cuma itu yg aq omongin tpi ga ad prubahan,,slalu aja bwt mslh,,slalu bkin kacau,,slalu aja say emosi ma aq..
Slain perbaikan sifat n sikap..
Aq musti perbaikin penampilaan n fisik..
Supaya bby ga malu lg jln ma aq..
Ga malu lg masang foto kita ber 2 dmn aja,,

By the way.,
Sbntr lg kami ke sg,,
1 full day..
Semoga aja menyenangkan..
Oke deh sampai sini dulu..

Monday 8 August 2011


Being so easy to get jealous
get mad
altough i know u always dote me so much,,i always want some more more more and more,,
sorry bby

dont feel bad bby,,1 month,2 month,3 month its all doesnt matter as long as im with you..
i love you...

Wednesday 3 August 2011

my bad

i've been busy dealing with my work and online business
and i actually forgot our 5 th month anniversary ystdy !!!!
i did it on the 3rd anniversary too :(
im really sorry baby
i feel so bad
happy 5th month anniversary baby, i love you :*

in the other way, i feel so blessed to have someone loving me like him
he is surrounded by many pretty girls and i did feel inferior :(
even i know im the only one in his eyes.
girl's nature isnt it? :))
