Saturday 16 June 2012

In love, there are a few rules. There are some behaviors that can make a messy affair, so do not do the following things.

1. cheating
Loyalty and trust are the foundations of the relationship. Once you break it, then the strength of the relationship is no longer the same. So do not ever cheat.

2. It does not matter
What's the point having a love affair if you do not care about each other? Words of love do not lip service. Concern is also one of your love to the couple.

3. storing emotions
Save the emotion for the sake of avoiding conflict is not a good thing. You just put a time bomb that could explode at any time. If there are things that disturb you, it's better to say. If you do not want to fuel the conflict, express your feelings in a state of cool and calm head, so the emotion is not easily ignited.

4. not happy
For what a relationship with someone who can not make you happy? Do not torture yourself by running a futile relationship. If it is no longer happiness you get, you should just end the relationship.

5. Jealous of his friends
Jealousy would be a sweet flavor in a relationship. But jealousy also need limits and the reasons are clear and reasonable. If you are always jealous of anyone who was near the couple, then it is tantamount to blind jealousy.

6. Have too high expectations.
There are things that can not be changed from a partner. So why should strive to convert it to someone else. Recall the reason you fell in love with her for the first time.

i think that mr and miss ping already done 90% all of that rules, so guys try to do all of that rules and i can guarantee that your relationship will last like forever.<3

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